Uhlendorf Innovations Africa

We purpose to Contribute to the Sustainability Development Goals

We are a social enterprise focusing on creating sustainable solutions for challenges faced by rural and urban-rural communities.
Learn more about what we do

We arrive at solutions through focusing on Human centered design approaches, partnering with existing locals to set up projects which foster sustainability.

Entreprise Empowerment
Food Security
Water and Sanitation

We go the whole way,
the community.

Working with individuals, addressing mindset attitudes to not just accept the activities being done but understand them too, and be able to reproduce them to better their lives and the lives of those around them

How We Do It

First, we identify a community in a rural or Urban-Rural area experiencing challenges in Water & Sanitation, education,agriculture, empowerment and Enterprise and Health. We help the community with one of the fields and guide it through growth led by the community in the rest of the other areas aiming for sustainable community led development.

We purpose to Contribute to the Sustainability Development Goals

Zero Hunger

By fostering continuous food supply activities and income generating programs to enable affordability.

Decent Work & Economic Growth

By skilling community to enable self sustainability through enterprise empowerment programs.

Reduced Inequality

Providing equal access opportunities to youth and women through socio- economic programs.

Our Impact in the Community


Countries Reached:
Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi & Tanzania

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Communities Served in the
4 Countries within the East African Region

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People Reached through sectors; Enterprise, WASH, Education, Health and Agriculture.

Who We Have Worked With

We are very happy with the service we bring to the community. These are organisations and teams that have walked the journey with us so far.

Do you have a question?

Reach out to us.

Would you want to be apart of the our Efforts ?
Perhaps want to follow in our activities.